Thursday, January 28, 2010


And if tonight my soul may find her peace in sleep, and sink in good oblivion,and in the morning wake like a new-opened flower then I have been dipped again in God, and new-created.
~D.H. Lawrence
And if not...welcome to the road to Hell.
~Mom In France

I have three New Year's goals: 1) to capture more videos of my boys 2) to keep my blog updated 3) to run the Nice to Cannes marathon

I've taken one video so far this year. This is my first post of 2010. I ran my first 5K yesterday in a time of 35 minutes. I'm a failure.
Sleep is the problem. For a long while, it was me having difficulties falling and staying asleep. Then Andrew started waking several times through the night. Now it's Ryan, and the problem is that once he wakes up, he does not want to go back to sleep. And did I mention that Robert has been on a 2-week business trip? And that both the boys have colds. And that we had a little trip to ER last week to stitch up Andrew's chin.
I've now done several loads of laundry accidentally omitting the laundry detergent. I found the opened jug of milk in the cupboard this morning. Yesterday the peanut butter was in the fridge. Oh boy, I'm T.I.R.E.D.
The thing is, I know this phase will pass. I know that I won't even remember these sleepless nights in the years ahead, or if I do, it won't seem quite as bad as how it feels at this precise moment. My baby is going to turn 6 months old in just a couple weeks. Where did half a year go? it is my goal to keep this thing updated. There have been countless precious moments already this year that I want to document so that I never forget them. Starting...tomorrow!