Sunday, February 3, 2008

Getting ready for our first family ski trip!

We are 6 days away from heading up to the Alps for a week of skiing, skating, swimming, hiking, eating, and relaxing! Being the experienced travellers that we now are, we know that it is much less stressful to pack well in advance of departure day as the last minute stuff always takes longer than expected. Robert has printed off the driving directions and I have packed the suitcases for me and Andrew. I'm ready to go now...too bad daddy has this thing called a job holding him back for another week!
We've had some time lately to really enjoy the area, enjoy our apartment and spend quality bonding time with Andrew and it's been awesome. Although the temper tantrums have kicked in, it is by far offset by his adorable little personality really shining through. He starts clapping and dancing every time music is played, he loves to give kisses (with a wide open mouth), and he loves to participate in every little thing we do. (granted laundry takes a lot longer now that he likes to pull everything out of the washing machine as soon as I put it in!) Now that we have been "settled" here for a few weeks, we have begun some new rituals. In the morning, Robert goes in to get Andrew out of the crib, and once Andrew has gathered his collection of pacifiers (3 in total) in the crib (one in the mouth and one in each hand), they head off to the kitchen to make coffee. As soon as Robert puts Andrew down, he immediately darts to the back bedroom to go find mommy. He climbs up on the bed with a little help from mommy, has a nice snuggle, a short nursing session and then he's ready to play. In the evenings when Robert comes home, we go out to the hallway to greet him and have a little play with the resident cat, that Andrew is currently obsessed with, but can't decide if he wants to pet him or run away from. On days that we don't have any planned baby groups, we go for a mid-day swim and then home for a 2 to 3 hour nap. He is consistenly going down by 7pm now and doesn't stir until at least 6am. Before bedtime we take our vitamins, brush our teeth, turn on the lullabye music, read some books, have a short nursing session and go to sleep. I'm hoping our ski trip will not interrupt this heavenly schedule too much.

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