Wednesday, April 23, 2008

"A Letter from my Mom"

I finally got around to writing my letter to Andrew for his baby book. Daddy is still working on his and claims it will be at least seven pages long. Mine is short and to the point!

April 16, 2008

Dear Andrew:

The past fifteen months and twenty-six days have been the best days of my life so far. I read in some books that some mothers do not feel an instantaneous bond with their babies. With you, I honestly felt our bond the day I found out I was pregnant and that bond has only strengthened with each day that has passed.
I will never forget the very first moment the doctor placed your tiny naked body on my chest and I held you in my arms, tears of joy streaming down my face. Since that day, you have grown into a happy, sociable, funny, snuggly, curious and loving toddler that is anxious to explore the world. With each new milestone accomplished, I feel such overwhelming pride and love for you.
When you are ill, I want to take away your pain and discomfort. When you are scared, I want to soothe all your fears away. When you are happy, I want to savour every second of your adorable smile and giggles. And most of all I want to slow down the clock so that I can make each moment that we spend together last longer. I already know and I feel that one day, no matter how many diapers changed, nursing sessions, messy meals, books read, baths or kisses, it will never be quite long enough.
I also read in a book that my relationship with your daddy was bound to change after you were born. I certainly loved him before you entered our world, but it is indeed truly amazing to discover how much more I can love him as I watch him play with you, protect you, and love you. I can't wait until you are old enough to recognize this for yourself.
Words cannot describe how passionately I love you and the thought of my life without you is unimaginable. It is such an incredible and powerful feeling that you will hopefully experience one day if you choose to have children of your own.
I know that you will not always agree with me, understand me or like the decisions I will make but know that my highest priority is to love and protect you as best as I can for all the days of my life.

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