Thursday, October 8, 2009

Feeling blue

This blog's title may come as a many of you know, I've been feeling on top of the world lately. Happier than I've ever been in my life. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my life, my family, my friends, living in France. There's not much in this world that is better than holding your healthy, happy newborn baby in your arms. He already slept through the night for the first time two nights ago.
Yet I laid awake last night, with thoughts and concerns about my dear friend Emily's little boy. Emily is a very special friend to me. She, along with her husband Dave, were there for me during my divorce, their shoulders were there for me to cry on, their ears were there for and night. I am forever grateful for their help in getting me through that rough period. I slept over many nights in what became Paul's bedroom, when I didn't want to be alone. Paul is a cancer warrior. He is the cutest and most courageous little boy. I turned on my computer this morning to learn of Paul's relapse. I cried to the computer. Andrew asked me what was wrong and I told him that my friend's little boy was sick. Andrew asked if he fell down. I wish that's all it was. I cannot even imagine how devastating the news was to Emily and Dave.
I have added Paul to be included in the prayers of the Mom's Prayer Group in Nice. I intend to join them when I can. I continue to hold endless faith and hope that he will get well. I pray for strength for Emily and Dave and little brother Ethan too. I wish I could do more. I ask of anybody reading this to include Paul in your prayers. If you have the means and would like to assist this family with their medical expenses, I can let you know how.
Emily, if you happen to read this, I love you.

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