Monday, February 28, 2011


School holidays are upon us once again, and we've been having loads of fun. Every morning we leave the house shortly after 9AM and don't generally return til Ryan's naptime. Then once Ryan wakes up, we head out once again for an afternoon play. We've been getting good use of our annual pool passes, my gym membership (the kids LOVE the daycare there!), our Marineland park passes as well as plenty of playground visits. Sometimes we join a group of friends, and sometimes we do our own thing, but I'm finding of late that even if I join a group of friends, I don't get much time to converse with anyone. My hands are full with both boys, and at the moment, they are both full-on demanding of my attention. With Ryan, it's because he finds mischief anywhere we go...wanders off...empties trash cans...insists on climbing UP slides while others are waiting to descend, etc. With Andrew, it's one question after another, and even if I am engaged in a conversation with a friend, he is constantly interrupting, (though politely says "Excuse Me") only to find out what it is we are talking about! It's IMPOSSIBLE to talk on the phone when he is in the room..."Excuse me mommy, excuse me Mommy, why....?or what....?" It's all quite comical really, but can be excruciatingly frustrating when there is something I am really trying to discuss! When we're in the car, he now asks questions about every song that comes on the radio. "Who let the dogs out" song, resulted in "Who let the dogs out mommy?" "What dogs?" "Why?" "Did they go to jail?" "Did the dogs have big teeth?" Message in a bottle..."what is a message in a bottle?" What does SOS mean?" AAAHHHHH!!! But all in all, it's extremely enjoyable to have this time with the boys together, especially knowing that in a quick two weeks, one of them will be back in school full time. My mom asked me why I go out so much and the truth is, as I think most moms of more than one child would attest to, is that it is EASIER and more enjoyable for everyone. Yes, we can certainly have fun at home, playing games, puzzles, play-doh, painting, drawing, toys, etc. but each activity lasts a maximum of 30 minutes, generally involves a huge mess to clean up afterwards, and can be utterly exhausting! If I'm being honest though, another thing I absolutely love about the school holidays is that Andrew does not nap when he's home; therefore bedtime is a very strict 7PM for both of them, and it is an absolute relief at 7:05PM when I get to pour myself a well earned glass of vino, knowing that both of them are out cold for the night, and I have a couple hours to myself before going to sleep. During school, Andrew takes a "sieste" every single day and is therefore very alert and wide awake until pretty close to 10PM which is actually past my desired bedtime. But at the end of the two weeks, I have a heavy heart when Andrew returns to school. The house is too quiet, and Ryan bores easily without his big brother around to entertain him. And it doesn't help that Andrew is not keen, to say the least, about the prospect of going back to school. Perhaps we have too much fun over the holidays...and maybe if he had time to get slightly bored at home, "la rentree" (return to school) would be easier. But no's precious time we get to share together, that I will treasure always.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My omission

One key omission in my lengthy blog update was my Momma. Several have asked in emails and it's possible that I have either not replied to your email yet (sorry) or forgotten to answer your question about my mom. The bottom line is that she is FINE now. She's already in her paradise (Florida) golfing and being the social butterfly that she is. On her last chemo at the hospital, they have some big bell-ringing ceremony where each cancer patient gets to ring the bell indicating they are through with chemo. That evening they celebrated in style with Lo and Susie and partners at a dinner and show place in Toronto. I think it's all quite amazing really. To think that I had nightmares of her being terminal in September based on the incorrect diagnosis of the prior year's mammogram. That there was hardly a complaint out of her mouth; even on the worst of days, she kept a positive attitude that the pain and weakness was short-lived. That to this day, I still forget she is bald cuz she hardly mentions it. That thanks to the many friends she has and my sisters, she was well looked after, transported, etc. etc. etc. throughout the whole journey. That thanks to the many amazing physicians, researchers, professors, etc. there is a CURE to breast cancer now.
Andrew and I continue to share what we are thankful for every night before turning out the lights. It goes without saying that I am so thankful for the above outcome. Last night, Andrew said, "I am thankful for the tomato and olive and cheese salad in the cantine (school cafeteria)"!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Splendid ski semaine Jan.8-15th Montgenevre

The countdown for our ski trip began immediately after Christmas as we had marked it down on the calendar (an awesome Melissa and Doug one that I found at the great kids hair salon in Canada) and excitement was at a peak by the time we set out in the car. The trip started out a little rough, my boys have never been good car passengers, but the excitement didn't help as Andrew was a little out of control, the drive was long (5 hours), scenic, but long, and when we finally arrived in the village of Montgenevre, the snow was coming down hard, the fog was so thick you could barely see 5 feet in front of you and the roads were getting icy, not to mention the parking lot. I got out with Ryan and headed straight to the hotel and when Robert walked in with Andrew about 15 minutes later, we had discovered that we'd left Andrew's winter ski jacket at home! This was a Saturday evening, around 5PM, the snow was coming down harder and harder but we knew the stores would be closed on Sunday so as I checked in, Robert and Andrew took off to go find a ski shop to buy a jacket. As I was checking in, I was advised that the ski school and daycare sign-up were open until 7PM and that Robert and I had to get our ski rentals fitted and picked up by same time. And then Ryan takes a poo. An enormous one that went all the way down his legs to his shoes. And Robert and Andrew are gone, in the car, along with the diaper bag! So there I am, walking around the resort feeling in major need of a glass of wine after the hellish car ride, with Ryan reeking to high heaven, signing him up for daycare, getting my snow boots fitted and ski bindings set and everywhere I walked, people picked up their little ones to smell their bums...and I just felt like putting a sign on me, "IT'S MY BOY'S POO"...but I carried along and managed and it all turned out ok after that! Not sure what was the highlight cuz there were so many. Andrew loved, loved, loved "ski camp". So much so, that he was jumping with excitement when he woke up in the morning and barely wanted to take time to eat his breakfast. The ski/camp instructors were absolutely incredible with the little ones and upon picking him up the first day, he was loudly stating the group mantra, "PUMP IT UP"!!! They did all sorts of activities with the kids in addition to the 2 hours of ski instruction per day. Sledding, building snowmen, games in the snow, face-painting, dances, crafts, toys, movies and on the second last evening, they put together a show for the parents which was fantastic and Andrew loved it and was so proud. He was also very proud when he received his ski diploma and had to stand on the podium and yell, "Pump it Up"! He had such an amazing first experience with skiing and is very keen to go again. Parents could watch their children during lessons but we had to hide so that they could not see us and therefore be distracted from the lesson. It was adorable to watch thing he didn't manage to succeed on was picking himself up after a fall, and I don't think he even tried, he just waited for his favourite female instructor to come along and pick him up. If you ask him the favourite part of the trip, he would say "Alex", who was the female ski instructor and I think it is Andrew's first crush!!! Robert and I got so much time together on the slopes, which was probably the best skiing I've done in my life, in terms of snow conditions, variety and length of slopes and scenery. Ryan went happily, for the most part, into his daycare and it helped that he bonded with a little girl in the group, and that he's already adjusted thanks to the awesome daycare we have for him here. And again, the daycare providers were superb. Our room was very comfortable and even had a separate area with bunk beds for him, where he loved sleeping on the top bunk for the first time. Each day when we returned from skiing, Robert and I had a little more time to ourselves to read or rest, have a glass of hot chocolate, before we went to pick up the boys. From there, we went immediately to the "piscine a balles" which was a little room filled with a jungle gym, ball pit and foam mattresses. We then proceeded to dinner, where we fed the kids in their separate kids dining area and then dropped them off again at 7PM so that Robert and I could go peacefully to the main dining room to eat dinner and drink a couple glasses of delicious wine alone. The food was good, and not cooking it or cleaning up afterwards was GREAT. I think this time around, we were now familiar with most of the French dishes, so we knew what we liked and what we didn't like when choosing from the buffet. Every night, there was at least something that we really enjoyed. The breakfasts were probably our favourite meals of the day though, and we usually prepared a picnic to eat at the lodge on the mountain for lunch while the boys ate with their "camps". Each evening, they had some sort of family entertainment going on, both before dinner and after dinner. Sometimes the four of us listened to the live band before dinner but we chose not to participate in most of the after-dinner events as we were all pretty knackered by 8:30/9PM and went straight to the room with the boys. But one night, I took Andrew to the show they put on, The Beauty and the Beast, (and Andrew corrected me, "it's La Belle et la Bete maman") and it was extremely well done. I would so highly recommend this place to anyone looking for an affordable all-inclusive ski vacation with kids, in France. Of course it came with a few French idiosyncrasies though. Like the lights in the corridors of the hotel were on a timer, to go off after about a minute, so half the time we were walking to our room, all of a sudden it would be pitch black, and I couldn't even see Ryan in front of me, let alone find the switch on the wall. (which is so common here, all lights go off after 30 seconds to a minute, doesn't matter where you go!) And the elevators could hold 3 people comfortably and 4 if you really squished in which was particularly fun on arrival day and leaving day when everyone had all their luggage to shlep in and out! But we came home rejuvenated and thrilled with our holiday that had exceeded our expectations in practically every way. Before we went to bed that night, Robert was surfing the net and when I peeked at what he was doing, I found him searching for cruises...our next holiday!

Beautiful beach day!

I began updating this blog this morning and by the time the boys had eaten their breakfast, the weather looked a little iffy for a beach day, so I gave Robert the green light to do a bike ride along the sea. About 30 minutes after he left, it started to clear up, so when he returned from his long trek (went all the way down to the Promenade des Anglais in Nice and back), I was all packed up and ready to go to the beach. We first went to a restaurant on the beach for lunch and I have to say, I ate one of THE best meals of my entire life. It was absolutely to die for. Robert had a scrumptious fish curry dish (which I convinced him to order since I couldn't decide between that and what I chose!!!) and I had a "formule" which means entree, main dish and dessert, the entree being the best salad ever with warm goat cheese on top, the main being a chinese noodle and chicken/vegetable thing which was equally as good as the salad and the dessert was the biggest and best piece of chocolate cake I have ever experienced!!! I'm still full as I write this. The bad part was that the service was not good and although the kids food came quick (and fortunately they were both so well behaved the whole time) and my salad was there immediately, we waited forever to get our main dish. After having already asked once, Robert told our waiter that if it wasn't here in 5 minutes we were leaving! Seconds later it arrived and I have to say, it was worth the wait. I asked for my dessert to be served while we were eating our meals so that the kids could enjoy dessert while we ate our lunch. Fortunately, it was so big that we all got an ample serving of chocolate cake for dessert! And when the bill came, the waiter brought out 2 shots of limoncello for Robert and I, as it was obvious he felt badly, I think he actually forgot about us, which is why we ended up waiting so long. I will definitely be going there again, hopefully on a Thursday with Robert or else with girlfriends.
After lunch, we walked for 30 seconds to get to the beach area, parked ourselves and had an absolutely amazing afternoon on the beach in Juan-Les-Pins, which is one of the most beautiful and scenic beaches around, beautiful sand, calm, flat waters, not a cloud in the sky...the boys absolutely love it. They could easily play there all day long, and Ryan held his own as we didn't leave until 4:00 and his naptime usually begins around noon and ends around 4! (needless to say, he crashed pretty quickly in the car ride home) For the last couple weeks, the weather has been beautiful so we have spent our Wednesdays doing picnics and playtime at the beach and it's been immensely enjoyable. Last Wednesday I was reading other friends' facebook updates to discover they had enjoyed a sledding day in the snow. And it truly amazes me that we are fortunate enough to live in a place where I can enjoy a sunny day on the beach and my friends can drive one hour and enjoy a sunny day on the slopes. When I'm cursing the size of my closets in this apartment (or lack thereof), I must remember the good things of being here. These such things are among them.
All in all, this was yet another awesome weekend, it's now 7:27PM and both boys have been asleep for over half an hour and I'm very close to serving myself a glass of red, getting my book (or maybe more work on the blog first) and enjoying a couple hours of downtime before bed.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Update continued

Christmas time was magical. Without a doubt, I missed sharing it with the family back home and it was hard when everyone was together and we were here, so far away. But at the same time, it was restful and joyous and excitement filled the air. Robert and Andrew wrote a "letter" to Santa every night in the month of December. The real purpose of this was for Andrew to practise writing his letters...they would decide on a toy, Robert would write the word and draw a picture of it, and then Andrew would write the word underneath. Andrew embraced this to no end as he did everything Christmas-related! Of course by the end of the month, there was a very long list of toys on his wish list, but Andrew was quite happy with the load he received from Santa this year. His first comment on Christmas morning was, "WOW, I was a REALLY good boy this year"!!!!!! We had several Christmas parties to attend, one for his tennis club, one for the daycare at my gym, one at his school, one at a baby group, and two at Robert's work. Each time, Santa's attire seemed to be increasingly pathetic, the Santa costumes are just lousy here! There was a free photo with Santa for the month of December outside of my grocery store this year and the Santa there cracked me up to no end...he was about 18 years old, had dark brown hair and eyebrows, the costume did nothing to disguise this, and yet, there were never any questions on Andrew's behalf and he very willingly sat on all of the Santa's knees and happily proclaimed his wish list! We visited a couple of the villages again this year, one in Nice and the other in Antibes, and I must say, they do a good job of decorating and providing entertainment (mostly free, rides, etc.) for the kids. Aside from the heart of the villages however, the south of France does NOT begin to look a lot like Christmas! Hardly anyone displays lights or other decorations outside of their homes and in my opinion, it feels more Christmassy in South Florida then here! Despite this, Andrew went wild each and every time we drove past a house or apartment that did have Christmas lights displayed. I cannot wait for him to see North America at Christmas time, so I hope we get to spend a Christmas there again sometime soon. Ryan took it all in stride. Of course at this age, he was still pretty into the paper and boxes, etc. but was quite content with his new toys, particularly the Fisher Price Little People race track that I got at a flea market-type sale for 5 euros! He is also quite in love with a toy hamster that I actually bought for Andrew since it says Ages 4+ on the box, but Andrew has no interest in it and Ryan seems to get endless enjoyment from it! It is definitely true at this age that the amount of money spent on a toy has ZERO correlation to how much the toy will be enjoyed. Some of Andrew's most prized possessions this year were items I picked up at the dollar store in Canada or here, such as the "flute" (recorder), and the fishing pole set. Other faves were the Sydney Crosby miniature hockey player (aka "hockey man") sent from Aunty Susie, the Leap Pad tag reader from Aunty Lo, the personalized Spiderman book from Grandma and the voice-recorded night-time book from Abuela. But among them all, by far, the favourite gift of the year was one that I (Santa) splurged on this year. His most expensive gift to date, costing a whopping 35 euros!, and one that he has played with each and every day since Christmas, is the Playmobil castle set. In my opinion, Playmobil are THE best toys out there. I was reluctant to actually buy Playmobil toys, as we have free access to the Playmobil room at Petite Ferme and I did not want that to lose its appeal, as my friend had advised had happened with her son when she bought him some. But he absolutely loves playing with these little knights and horses within their castle, and arming them with various weapons and uses his imagination to devise little stories and scenarios for up to hours at a time! I will definitely continue to expand on this gift in the years to come, with more castles, dragons, pirates, or whatever he is fostering an interest in, and although they are not cheap toys (relatively, that is, some sets go for well over 100 euros), they are durable, unbreakable really, and last the test of time. I've heard that some children have very little interest in Playmobil, but I'm quite glad that Andrew is not one of those! My only problem at the moment with these toys is that there are a LOT of pieces...and when Ryan gets his hands into the stuff, they can be all over the apartment in a matter of seconds. So, as a result, I usually save this particular toy to be pulled out during Ryan's nap, or after he has gone to bed.
Ryan is now awake, time to get the boys fed, and then we're off for a family day at the beach. I will continue on later, and post some pics soon.

Long over due update is February 6th. Where did January go? Things are very good. Feel totally adjusted back in France. I must do a better job of recalling all the things I love about this area when I experience total homesickness upon returning here each time! Just got over the bout with the flu with the little ones, and Robert and I were fortunate to escape it this time round. Lately, I've been the first one up in the morning, we've been going to bed early, which I love, but as a result, I'm awake before 6, which I also love, as I treasure an hour of silence in the morning before the noise and chaos of the day begins!
Ryan will be 18 months on the 18th and Andrew is just past 4 years old. We've witnessed major changes in both of them lately. Where Ryan was once a total cling-on to me, would not want out of my arms in a baby group, or anywhere, he is now Mr. Independent. He wants to eat all by himself and usually refuses the spoon if I offer it to him. Of course, he makes a TOTAL mess, particularly at breakfast time with his morning cereal and yogourt, or something like spaghetti at dinnertime. Will try to get some pics added on here soon. He wants to walk by himself wherever we go, and usually refuses to hold my hand, which is often a battle, especially in the parking lot when we go to drop Andrew off or pick him up from school. When we're in safe territory and I leave him to follow me/us, he generally heads off in the other direction! He loves babygroups. He loves music. As soon as the music begins, he starts clapping and dancing. He is enamored with Daddy, but when he cries in his crib, which is seldom, he insists on Ma-Ma and won't settle until I come to his rescue for a quick cuddle before putting him back down to sleep. I will just hold him for a couple minutes in the chair, put his soocy in and sing the Mockingbird song. When Andrew and I put him down together at night, we sing Rock-A-Bye baby, followed by the Mommy song and he settles peacefully into his dreams. (Andrew loves doing this) Tantrums have begun. Flat on his back screaming if he doesn't get his way, particularly if it's a toy that Andrew has. If Ryan had it first, I insist on Andrew giving it back. But if it is a toy that Andrew began playing with, it's not fair to pull it away from him just to appease Ryan. I think I am going to start buying two of certain toys. Of course they both need to learn and continue to share, but there are times when I know it will be easier to just have one for each! He is a stubborn little monkey. But usually, not always, the tantrums are short-lived. As I did with Andrew, I respond to his tantrums by explaining to him that I understand he is mad because he cannot have whatever it is he wants, like a toy, or to stand on the couch, or whatever. I think it helps. That's what the books say anyway! One thing I love with Ryan at this age, unlike Andrew at the same age, is that whenever he awakens, from a nap or from a night sleep, he does not cry. He talks and sings and plays in his crib happily, until Robert or I go in to get him. This can even last up to an hour after he wakes up! When we finally go in, a smile lights up his face, I pick him up for a snuggle (quick one, he's by then, usually keen to get out and pointing at the door but sometimes he will point at a toy on the floor and just wants to play with that in his crib for many many more minutes) anyway, I just love the way he feels, so soft and warm, the way he smells, and looks, every time he wakes up. Heaven. Ryan's hair is getting long, but when he comes out of the bath (which he LOVES), it all curls up and I adore the curls and am not ready to chop them off as it near broke my heart the day I chopped off Andrew's curls and they did not grow back. So, aside from a chop to his bangs, he has yet to have his hair cut. (and he looks pretty funny, since I didn't exactly cut the bangs even, and ended up cutting way more than intended...and was rather unfairly reprimanded by Daddy for doing this, as I've said, he is more than welcome to do it himself!!!) Anyway, apparently as a result of the current do, he looks like a girl. Everywhere we go, I hear, "Bonjour Mademoiselle" or (in french) "she is sooo cute" or "she looks like her brother". We were at the pool the other day, and these two elderly ladies were talking to Ryan and telling me how cute she is and I didn't say anything, but when I pulled off his pants to put on his swim diaper, they were both shocked!!! And the latest, yesterday we went to McDonald's and while ordering, I was holding Ryan in my arms and ordered one Happy Meal (for Andrew) and when Andrew opened it up, we discovered it was the girl toy inside and not a boy toy! I must say, I do remember this happening with Andrew at this age, when his hair was longer and those curls were just to die for! Which brings me to another point: Andrew and Ryan are looking more and more alike it's scary. There are days when I look at Ryan and feel like I am having a total deja vu of Andrew at the same age. Some people say Andrew looks like Robert and Ryan looks like me, there are a few that say the reverse but for the most part, the consensus including my own is that they both look exactly the same and like Robert! Even though Ryan is my second child, and therefore I've already witnessed the tiny little things that feel like major milestones that amazed me constantly, I am still in awe of Ryan's daily achievements. Like yesterday, when he went to the Kleenex box, pulled only one Kleenex out (usually it's the whole box), and wiped his own runny nose! And when I tell him that it's time to go get Andrew from school, he goes to the front hallway and attempts to put on his shoes (and he sometimes puts on mine)! Or when he sees Andrew and I brushing our teeth, he joins in, by pulling up his stool, grabbing his toothbrush and immitates us to the tee. I must say, I really love this stage with Ryan. The boys play together often. Andrew remains pretty much obsessed and adoring of his little brother and is almost always on top of him or pulling him in his direction, which often frustrates Ryan to no end, and he practically constantly screams, but then seconds later it seems, Ryan is laughing hysterically. They make me laugh all the time. The other day they were playing on the kitchen floor while I was preparing dinner and Ryan was sitting on top of Andrew who was lying on his back. Ryan was jumping up and down on his bum, on Andrew's stomach and Andrew, giggling away, kept saying, "Ry-Ry, I'm NOT a jungle gym"!!!! As I was in the kitchen starting to clear dishes last night and they were finishing dinner, I heard nothing but laughter coming from the dining table. When I walked into the living room, I discovered both with their plates on their heads, ketchup oozing down their just-washed hair and the remnants of their fish fingers and french fries all over the floor! Andrew has really matured over the last couple months. He can now sit for an extended period of time with his markers and focuses intently on the picture he is colouring, which is almost always for me. All of a sudden he has sparked a bit of an interest in letters and writes his name on all of his works. When I pick him up from school, the very first thing he does is empty his backpack all over the school floor in search of the colouring he has done for me that day. So sweet! At bedtime now, in lieu of a story, he wants to play Postman Pat and will even request to be put down to bed so that he can get to the game. It is a memory game of cards, each player has to find pairs by flipping over the cards and remembering what is behind the ones once flipped over. He is pretty amazing at this game and is capable of winning without us allowing him to win (he hasn't quite learned how to NOT be a sore loser!). And then he loves to count how many cards he has and waits to see how many cards Robert or I have, to determine who is the winner. He asks questions ALL DAY LONG. Why something is the way it is. What does this mean? What is the translation for an english word in french or vice versa. One day I want to document all his questions in a day. They always begin with, "MOMMMMMY, why is...." and when he is at school, sometimes I think I'm going mental cuz I still hear a little voice saying, "MOMMMMY"!!!! He rarely cooperates when it's time to leave the house. Doesn't seem to matter if we're going to school, the beach, the park, whatever, he says he wants to stay home, and in his pajamas (and the second we walk back in the door, he heads to his room to put on his jammies, doesn't matter what time of day it is). My response when he refuses to get ready to leave is that the police will take me away, or him away, if I am caught leaving my little boy home alone so he must come along. This usually works as he is still pretty easy to rationalize with. He eats his veggies and drinks his milk because he knows this will make him grow big and strong. He brushes his teeth because he knows that if he doesn't, he'll get holes in his teeth, and usually after he has a sweet, I will soon hear the tap running in the bathroom and I know he is "brushing the sugar off"! He has taken a huge interest in building forts out of blankets and cushions but gets severely annoyed when Ryan approaches and immediately breaks down his fort and asks, "Mommy, can you please put Ryan away?" He also loves to play Hide and Seek in the's hillarious as he usually picks the same hiding spots and starts making noises or announces his whereabouts when we enter the room he's in. Ryan likes to join in this game, he usually hides with me, and when Andrew comes to find us, he's giggling away!