Monday, September 24, 2007

Do I miss working? Answer: Yes and No

In a rather philosophical, late night conversation I had with my sister Lo at the cottage this summer, we talked about how we would be remembered when we die and, among other things, including my sense of humour and crazy antics, she stated that I would be remembered as an excellent sister, daughter, aunt, mom and accountant. I've always been an ambitious type and achieving success in my career has always been high on my priority list. Despite all the partying I did in university, I worked my butt off to graduate at the top of the class. After having completed two full months of not working at all (in the workplace, that is), there have been days where I do miss working and the realization that I am far less exhausted from a day at the office, than from a day with my little Burbujitas. On the flip side, being there to hear each and every new syllable that comes from his mouth, to see and hear each and every smile and giggle, to comfort and snuggle him from each and every scary noise or sight, to kiss and cuddle the hurt away from a fall, or a bang on the head, and to watch him grow from an 8 pound little newborn to the toddler that he is becoming...well...that is worth all the paychecks, bonuses and pats on the back in the world. I am SO loving the playgroups, the songs, the little toys and games that make him burst into hysterics, and also meeting so many other wonderful moms who are sharing these same experiences. His personality is coming out more and more everyday...he is a sociable, flirtatious, curious, busy, strong, happy little soul... his face lights up when I enter the room and his lungs fire up when I exit! I realize that I have the rest of my life to work and only a few precious years at home with him. I still have my sights on completing some accounting certifications and courses...when time permits...and I hope that will help fulfill my "stimulation" needs. I can't say that I am missing the "adult" social interaction, thanks to the very sociable and friendly people I have already met, all ages, all nationalities.

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