Saturday, October 11, 2008

We're baaack!!!

Well, it's been almost 4 months to the day since my last post and therefore, there is much to write about so the next several entries will be installments of the last four months...

The Cruise...

We had the most amazing experience travelling through some of the most stunningly beautiful areas I've ever seen. Our trip began with a ferry to Rome where we drove the car onto the ship and slept in a cozy little cabin overnight, and woke up in time to see the ship coming into port, the highlight of which was passing by the Carnival Freedom which would be our home for the following 12 nights. We parked the car in the Rome terminal and seamlessly boarded the cruise ship, where we were quickly delighted and in total awe of the deluxe cabin we were so fortunate to have obtained. Highlights of the cruise included the ports of call in Athens, where we viewed the magnificent Acropolis and a nice, leisurely stroll in the shopping/dining district of Plaka. Istanbul was equally fascinating with visits to the Blue Mosque, the Grand Bizarre (the biggest flea market in the world) and the Palace of the Sultans. I found it quite intriguing simply to view the Turkish culture itself for the day, so very different from that which we are accustomed, with men and women stopping to pray on the streets at what seemed like all hours of the day. Although not so famous but truly breathtaking, were the smaller coastal villages in Turkey and Greece, Marmaris and Katakolon respectively. Katakalon has a population of less than one thousand and yet the village and beach area was beaming in action, with tourists galore, stopping for a dip in the Med or a shop in the souvenir/purse/shoe outlets (Daddy bought me a new Coach bag) or a little rest in the beach front restaurants and cafes. (we sampled some Greek coffee, absolutely delicious) Since Carnival is probably best known for its children's programs, Andrew had many visits at the "camp", where he happily entered and waved good-bye to us, quickly distracted by the many toys and other children around. That gave Robert and I some quality down time alone together, where we either enjoyed simply hanging out in the cabin with room service, on the balcony or with a good book by the pool. Upon disembarkment, we made a spontaneous decision to skip the ferry and drive back to Antibes from Rome (approximately 8 hour drive). It was a beautiful, sunny June day and we jammed along to the tunes of Don McLean's "American Pie", which has now become Andrew's favourite song! It reminded me big time of the days when I taught Michael Wilson that song (he's the little boy that lived two doors down that my sisters and I used to babysit). During the drive, we reflected on our life since Andrew came into our world (as we so often enjoy doing) and for fun, we began to count the number of countries Andrew has already been to: USA, Canada, Bermuda, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Greece, Turkey...I know I'm forgetting some...and the list will continue to grow when we make stops in the Canary Islands, St. Martin and San Juan on our transatlantic journey back home in December. It blows my mind away just thinking of it, but I suppose it shouldn't, considering who I am married to. I remember the first time I met both of Robert's best friends, they commented on how many post cards Robert has sent to their families over the years, from practically every corner of the world. And Robert himself began his travels at an age not far off from Andrew, when his family relocated to the Phillipines in his second year of life.

Colette's visit...

Shortly after we arrived back home from the cruise, we were happy to welcome our 2nd visitor to the Chamberlin residence in the south of France. Colette was a very special guest; aside from the fact that I felt an immediate friendship/sisterly bond with her (as everyone does), and aside from the facts that Andrew instantly adored her and that Robert and I shared some great meals, glasses of wine and chats on the balcony with her, she was so in awe of the region, that I found it awe-inspiring just to observe. A kid in a candy store doesn't even begin to describe it! The way she took it all in, the way she courageously ventured off solo on the trains to Monaco, Eze..., and then the way she came back home to share with us all that she had seen and, done (and walked!), it was truly amazing. There was only one night where my worry gene kicked in and when she wasn't home before dark, I started to contemplate how I was going to call her parents to notify them of their daughter, missing in the south of France. Was she whisked away on some big yacht by some mega-millionaire European dude?...nope, turns out she was just enjoying some mussels and wine in the old town of Antibes on a "quick stop" on the way home from Monaco, and forgot the code to enter our apartment complex!

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