Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Food

The first photo above is a menu of one of my dinners while in the hospital: a well balanced and very filling meal consisting of vegetable soup, stuffed eggplant (which was delicious), rice, yogourt, applesauce, and of course, a baguette. What really through me for a loop though was the breakfast. I suppose it should not have...I already know the French eat very little in the morning, but I guess in a hospital, especially the maternity ward, where new mothers tend to wake up absolutely famished after hours of labour and no food, I was definitely expecting a more balanced breakfast shall we say, complete with fruit, juice, protein, dairy, etc. What I got every morning was in the photo you see above: two mini baguettes with butter and jam on the side, a jug of water, and a bowl of hot water with which to mix my instant coffee! Since I requested "cafe au lait", I also got a side package of powdered milk to put in it!

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