Monday, September 21, 2009

Very proud BIG BROTHER

One of my biggest concerns prior to Ryan's arrival was how Andrew was going to adjust to the changes that were about to take place in the family. As it turns out, my fears were completely unfounded...he is the proudest big brother I've ever seen, and wants to include Baby Ryan in absolutely everything. Andrew has always had an obsession with babies, but I was not sure how he was going to cope with our baby, the one that takes some of Mommy's and Daddy's time and attention away from HIM. Well, he is indeed obsessed with this baby as well, which is truly magical to observe, but at the same time, very exhausting as he is constantly on a mission to hold him, pick him up, play with him and can therefore not be left alone with the baby for ONE second! Although his intentions are all good, he is far from gentle. The minute he walks in the door, his first question is "Where's Baby Ryan?" and "How's Baby Ryan doin'?". Adorable...and I'd much rather see him this way, even if it's a bit over the top at the moment, than to see him jealous and asking when the baby is going back inside my belly, like some of my other friends have experienced with the births of their second babies!

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