Sunday, April 4, 2010


"The Easter Bunny SURE is nice"...were Andrew's comments first thing this morning! I'm not sure who enjoyed it more, me or him. Now that he's reached the age where he really "gets it" and really believes it, it is just THE best! However, not having Daddy here to share in the fun was a tad bit depressing. :-( The egg hunt was so much fun, though a tid bit early, as both boys were in my bed at 5:15 this morning and we started the hunt before 6! Andrew was most excited about the chocolate bunny that the Easter Bunny brought into his bedroom...perhaps that was not such a good idea, as he was ready to party as soon as he saw it!
Update on the boys...Andrew's spots have mostly vanished, you probably wouldn't even know he had the chickenpox if you saw him today. The waiting period has just begun with Ryan. Since the incubation period is 10 to 21 days after being exposed, and Andrew most likely became infectious about two weeks ago and remained infectious for a good 8 days, well, it could be a loooong wait. I have pretty much all but stopped talking about our trip with Andrew...which really sucks quite frankly because part of the fun is the anticipation of it all, but Andrew knows that there will not be an airplane ride or a Mickey Boat if Ryan gets the chickenpox. And he has accepted that quite well, since he knows that if you have the chickenpox, then you have to stay home. I've had my good days and my not-so-good days, but THE hardest part by far was trying to keep the boys apart and myself clean after each and everytime I touched Andrew. (the skin on my hands is completely dry and cracking now from washing them so much!) Fortunately, I can let my guard down on that now, and as soon as I gave Andrew the green light to touch Ryan, he was all over him, and has been so ever since.
All my fingers, toes, legs and arms are crossed that our vacation will follow through as planned...and that Robert will be picking us up in the Miami airport approximately 60 hours from now!

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