Saturday, March 27, 2010

the waiting period is gonna drive me mad

Having such a difficult time with this. Robert, so wish you were here. I KNOW this is not the biggest deal in the world but I cannot deny it is such a letdown. Andrew is doing fine. This is Day 4, and it appears that there are no new spots forming (or very few) and most have scabbed or are beginning to scab. He is SO happy to be home with us and being a very good boy.
But I'm still desperately trying to keep the boys apart, not knowing if it is totally pointless. I have been doing endless laundry, trying to keep everything clean. Washing my hands, and Andrew's til I'm blue in the face. Andrew is generally good about keeping his distance from Ryan now, about his daily showers with the soap and taking the anti-itch medicine, even though it is obvious he doesn't like the taste. I'm so grateful for that. But he touches everything that Ryan puts in his mouth (which is everything at this stage) and I can't prevent that.
I keep going online, looking up more details on the chickenpox, researching the likelihood of antibodies in my breastmilk, the incubation period, the contagious period, etc., etc.
We are in the process of buying additional travel insurance now. Robert and I have both considered the option of just one of us going with Andrew, the other staying back with Ryan. I am open to Robert going with Andrew, but not really open to me going alone. First of all, it would mean having to give up breastfeeding, even if I continued to pump the whole time, my body would still stop generating enough to keep it up in the same supply it is now, as I don't get near as much when I pump as when Ryan nurses. Secondly, I don't think I would be ready to leave my baby for 2 weeks especially with an illness, and thirdly, the thought of being there without Robert and Ryan is almost equally depressing as not going at all.
Ok, so that's my venting for the moment. There's NOTHING anybody can do, and I just need to stop obsessing about what could or could not be.
It's a beautiful day...time to put on a happy face and enjoy it with my beautiful boys!

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