Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ryan at 9 months, getting taller and chubbier...

and cuter and still toothless! The doc was joking about the "petit americain sans dents" at his 9-month check-up. Just like Andrew, who did not have a single tooth before his first birthday, Ryan's nearly constant smile is gums-only too. Love it! At 9 months, Andrew was 9kg and 76.1 cm. Ryan is 9.620 kg and 76 cm. Almost as tall as Andrew but nearly a pound and a half heavier. I was a tad bit concerned about his weight, obviously unfounded, but the little monkey has decided that bottles are not for him. I tried everything, different nipples, fresh breastmilk, different formulas, to no avail. So, until he is on cow's milk at 12 months, it is me and me only, who will be putting the little guy to sleep at night. He nurses in the morning, before his afternoon nap, and before bedtime, right after his bath. Sometimes, he wants a breast before his morning nap too. But sometimes, he nurses for only 2 or 3 minutes in total, and I questioned whether he has been getting enough. Based on his current weight, and how well he eats throughout the day, I know I have nothing to worry about. At the creche, they offer him yogourt at lunch time, in replacement of a bottle before his afternoon nap, and he seems to do just fine with that. And I'm not at all concerned about being the only one capable of putting him down at night...quite frankly, it is one of my favourite parts of the day, and I adore the closeness that comes along with nursing my blossoming boy.

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