Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Our Holidays

Again...it's been a looong while since I've updated my blog; it truly wasn't meant to be a quarterly update kinda thing but it seems that is what it's become. Since there is again much to write about, I will update it in instalments.
Our transatlantic cruise home was yet again, an amazing vacation. Despite the complexity of all our travel plans, everything was seamless, and we had a most enjoyable trip. After the cruise, we spent almost two weeks in Miami. While Robert was busy back at work at the Miami office, Andrew and I spent lots of time with Abuelita and Tia, which was very relaxing and most enjoyable. It was wonderful to celebrate Andrew's 2nd birthday with them (this year we had a Diego theme) and we celebrated Christmas Eve together also as Andrew and I flew to Toronto on Christmas Day. Despite a very long and delayed travel journey on Christmas Day this year, it was fabulous to celebrate the holidays again with my fam too. We decided to have our "official" celebration on Boxing Day this year, and Lo held the event in her new home. We had an added bit of excitement this year, when Lo's new boyfriend (who we all had JUST met) decided to light a fire in the fireplace downstairs to burn all the wrapping paper. Make a long story short, he kinda didn't open up the chimney flu and within minutes, there was so much smoke in the house that you could not see the person standing beside you. So...we all gather quickly outside on the front porch (in the freezing cold, and without coats and shoes for the most part) and call 9-1-1. Shortly thereafter, there appears 3 fire trucks, an ambulance and two police cruisers in front of Lo's driveway. It was a huge thrill for the kids as they got to go inside the fire truck while the firemen were at work putting out the fire and setting massive fans up inside the house to blow out all the smoke! It was apparently a thrill for the neighbours too as many came out to check out the situation and offered invitations to their homes to stay warm (even though Lo had not even met many of them yet). Fortunately, there was very little damage inside and of course we were all fine; when all the rescue vehicles departed, we resumed our family game of Trivial Pursuit and enjoyed the rest of our Christmas celebration! Needless to say, poor Eric (Lo's boyfriend) felt like a bit of a loser that night!!!
The most special part of the holidays for me was the opportunity for Andrew to spend time with his grandmas, aunts and cousins (and buddies Beckett, Owen, Brett, Laura, etc.). He didn't mind all the spoiling/attention too much either!

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