Tuesday, March 17, 2009

January through March 2009 Update

The first 3 months of 2009 have flown by. Yet, despite Robert's travel schedule (London, Madrid, and upcoming Miami trip), a few illnesses, and countless sleepless nights on my account, we have indeed taken some time to stop and smell the roses. Weekly, my mom friends and I meet on Wednesdays for an outing of some sort with the kids, which in 2009 has so far included a hike and picnic, a play and picnic on the beach, a trip to the indoor amusement park in Cannes (called FUN CITY...and boy did Andrew have fun!), a nature center/miniature zoo in Nice, various playgrounds, and when weather is not permitting such lovely outdoorsy events, a trip to Playland and lunch at McDonald's will suffice, or a playdate and lunch at one of our homes works too. On Friday mornings, we do my favourite mom/tots baby group (which I ran the last two weeks, together with another friend, as the usual girl was away on holidays) and Friday afternoons always include a swim at the nearby pool. On the weekends, so far this year we have gone to the grand Carnaval event in Nice (a definite highlight and Andrew was fascinated by his first parade), many family pool swims, have entertained friends for dinners and games night, have also been entertained at said friends for dinners and games night, have celebrated many of Andrew's friends' birthdays, and have sampled some more fantastic French lunches at various restaurants in nearby villages. Robert has had the good fortune of heading to the local mountains for some ski days but I've had to pass this year due to my current state. Robert's French studying is now in force, and though he still has a long way to go, I have confidence that he will pass the required exam in June. I can say for sure that France has definitely become more "home" to us than ever before, and the three of us adore it here and currently cannot even imagine moving away anytime soon. I must admit that a highlight for me this year was the surprise purchase by Robert of a clothes dryer for me when I returned from Christmas in January! It has felt like SUCH a luxury after a year and a half of hanging every single item on the clothes line!

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