Monday, August 17, 2009


My most recent doctor's appointment was on Saturday, the official due date according to the France pregnancy calendar. I was hooked up to machines that gauge the baby's heartbeat and my contractions (for which there still are none) for approx 45 minutes, in an effort to make sure that all is well with the baby (which it is). Robert and Andrew sat by my side all the while, and although Robert understood precisely NO part of the conversation between the doctor and me (though Andrew probably caught on to everything!), I was informed that the baby is now in a VERY posterior position. It wasn't really til I got home that I understood the consequences of this, namely a high likelihood of a long and painful back labour. I have since done a great deal of reading on how to rotate the baby, but unfortunately once the head is engaged, which it is, the likelihood of baby rotating before the actual labour process is slim. All I have to say now is...BRING ON THE DRUGS!!!

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