Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Aunty Susie and Uncle Billy are married!!!

We arrived in Toronto on June 2nd and had an amazing time visiting with everyone, in addition to preparing for Aunty Susie's big day. June 13th was indeed a special day for us all. Susie was an absolutely stunning bride, and she had the most handsome ring boy and most beautiful flower girl in the world! The wedding was beautiful, and we had an absolutely amazing time. The day was also very emotional, and the hormones running through my pregnant body certainly did not help. I managed to get through my speech, but not without a few tears! Here it is:

When Sus first shared the news of her and Bill's engagement, I can't truly say that I was all that surprised. In fact, even though Bill took his sweet little time in proposing to my sister, I knew early on that their relationship was meant to be. I could tell by the way her eyes lit up every time she talked about him and told me about the most recent thoughtful, generous, and very romantic gestures he had done for her. I could tell by the way she laughed at all the funny things he did and said, and how that quirky sense of humour of his was a perfect match for hers. But mostly I could tell by the solidity of their friendship, that began long before they started dating, and developed into a union of love, trust, respect and an endless list of shared interests, hobbies, and goals.
Although I have always been Susie's older sister and perhaps role model in some ways, it is she who is my hero and from whom I have perhaps even learned the most in life. For example, she has taught me that it is impossible to get a chipmunk out of a toilet with a spatula. And that swallowing a Tim Tam (an Australian cookie) without chewing it (on Christmas morning) would result in my mom performing CPR. I also learned that I'm not really a very good hairdresser (after numerous attempts with her as my guinea pig), that I'm not really a very good gymnastics coach either (after countless times of dropping her on her head) and that I'm definitely a terrible driving instructor (after she drove through the front lawn in Dad's Monte Carlo on Dunvegan Rd and came to a screeching halt only inches away from the house). But perhaps most importantly, she taught me how to get away with things, namely using a little sister as a scape goat!
In all seriousness though, Susie is someone I've looked up to and admired for years. She has always excelled at everything she sets out to do; she started off as a star gymnast, then triathlete, was a top student in her PT programs and now has a brilliant career, where her patients so obviously adore her.
She doesn't just talk about plans and dreams like many, she follows them through to fruition, like her whirlwind travel adventures through New Zealand and Australia.
No matter where she goes, she makes an endless amount of friends, and she is indeed the type of friend anybody would be lucky to have. She has always been there for me, no matter what time of day or distance between us, and sometimes I feel like she understands what I'm telling her before the words even come out of my mouth.
And she has a very unique way of finding humour in nearly every situation; she has cheered me up in my darkest of moments and is one of the wittiest people I've ever met.
She is also one of the strongest women I know. Susie has overcome challenges and experiences in her life that many could not even imagine, but which have shaped her into the strong, independent and courageous person she is today.
On top of everything else, she is the best aunt in the world, and her 4 nephews and niece (soon to be 5) are so lucky to have her.
Susie, I love you and I am so grateful to have you as my sister. Billy, I welcome you to our crazy family and am so grateful to have you now as a brother-in-law. Words cannot describe how happy I am that this day has come and that you have found a man as wonderful as Bill to share your life with. Although I'm apparently no expert on marriage myself, I'm confident that yours will be a very long and happy one. And Andrew told me to tell the two of you that he'd like some more cousins in the very near future!
I'd like to close off by reciting a little poem I wrote for Susie:

I first met you when I was only nearly 3
I was so proud to have a baby sister, even though you only came up to my knee

For many years we shared everything, your tears felt like my own
I've always been protective of you, even now that you are fully grown

I've loved you since the day your were born and that love will never fade
I'm so fortunate to have you in my life, what a wonderful person mom and dad have made

Thanks for putting up with me and all I used to do
In spite of it all, you've always been so loyal, so kind, so honest and true

I've always admired you, and the type of aunt that you have been
But now that I have a child myself, it means the world to me

We've shared happy times and sad ones, all our secrets and our fears
Thank you for giving true meaning to the word SISTER and for sharing these last 34 years

And now I turn today to see you walk up the aisle
Leaning on mom's arm, your face beaming a smile

To Bill, I just want you to know
Make her this happy always and you will forever be my hero

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