Tuesday, July 28, 2009

May in a nutshell

Our cruise ship sailed into London, where we hopped on a quick flight directly back to Nice and re-settled into French life once again. Because we had returned by ship, we had no jet lag issues to deal with (the ship changed the clock on 5 separate occasions, which is MUCH easier on a toddler, than one 6 hour difference all in one day). Fortunately, we arrived back to a very sunny and warm Riviera, and began frequent beach outings and picnics. The highlight of the month was most definitely our annual Mother's Day trip to Italy where we had a beautiful walk (see photo above), meal and playtime at Andrew's favourite park and merry-go-round. But May was a particularly busy month too...in addition to the usual catch-up of being away for a month, I had an endless list of baby prepping stuff to do, French taxes to do, US taxes to do, (neither of which are in the slightest bit straightforward anymore), doctors appointments, ultrasounds, and of course packing and preparing for our June trip to Canada!

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