Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Two centimetres and counting...

As of Monday July 20th, my cervix has dilated 2 cm and despite my due date of August 15th, I'm feeling like labour day is right around the corner! Although I haven't been sleeping well of late (back to getting up again countless times to empty the bladder), I am now feeling a little more prepared for the new addition to our family. Robert has helped tremendously at getting the things crossed off the list, and I'm now at the point where I feel like I can get some resting in on the days Andrew is in creche. However, the annual closure of the creche begins on Friday, so Andrew will be at home full time, but I hope to have active mornings in the pool or beach, and long naps in the afternoon, for as long as I can. My biggest concern of late has been where Andrew will go if the baby wants to come in the middle of the night. Fortunately, my next door neighbour has graciously volunteered to come sleep over should that happen and Andrew's babysitter will be happy to take him during the day. The only hiccup is that my neighbour is away this Thursday through Sunday so I am keeping my fingers crossed that the baby will chill out in my belly for at least another week. I'm now feeling much less anxious about finding out the sex, and more anxious to learn that the little baby inside me that I am already in love with is healthy and "normal". I can feel that the baby has already dropped, and although I feel a lot of movement and poking, the turning and kicking seem to have subsided, as I think the baby is running out of room. As of July 20th, the baby weighed in at 3 kilos (6.6 lbs) and the doc suspects this baby will be smaller than Andrew. Andrew asks me all the time if my baby is sleeping or up, and is an avid little helper when it comes to assembling all of the baby stuff Robert has put together over the last few weeks. We read books about waiting for a baby, etc and though I know he knows there's a baby coming, I am still confident it will be a big adjustment for him to have to share Mommy and Daddy with someone else. (though I know to continue to give Andrew most of the attention when the baby comes, as the newborns require very little at first) Robert and I have yet to agree on a name, particularly for a boy, and will have only 3 days to name the baby once born, so I hope Robert sees the light soon and agrees with at least one of the cool names on my list!!! The next doctor's appointment is scheduled for August 10th, should we make it that long.

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