Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Raclette & International friendships

Last Friday I was invited for a delicious french specialty dish (raclette) that was hosted by a Singaporean friend, and shared with two Americans and a Filipino. We all have very diverse backgrounds, yet one common bond that ties us together: motherhood in the South of France. I've probably said this before but one of the things I love most about living here is the opportunity to make such amazing friendships with such an amazing and diverse group of women. Raclette is a dish cooked right at the table in a machine designed for its purpose. You melt cheese on the lower part and pour it over meat/potatoes/veggies cooked on its upper part. I found myself heavily engaged in conversation and completely unaware of how much yummy food I had consumed until I got home later that evening! To top it off, we had pumpkin pie for dessert in honour of the upcoming American Thanksgiving, along with oatmeal raisin cookies made by one of the smaller guests! I REALLY do not need to be employed to fulfill any unmet social needs. From time to time I still think about when it is that I will go back to work and also, what it is that I may want to do when I do go back. But again, I have the rest of my life to work and only these short and most precious years with my babies.
I do miss the paycheck though.

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