Friday, July 23, 2010

Vacation for a day

One of the biggest benefits to our family of living in Europe is the amount of time-off that is granted to Robert. In May, he was notified of several weeks of vacation time that were close to "expiration", ie. use them or lose them. Robert got on the net shortly thereafter, and started looking at various possible destinations. Until I made the suggestion of taking a vacation "at home". Pointing out that thousands of people pay thousands of dollars to come to the south of France to enjoy the summer days...and we have it all in our backyard, so to speak. In addition, taking a non-walking baby, who eats 5 times a day of relatively pureed foods, and poops at least as much means a whole lot of shlepping of baby stuff involved in any sort of travel. He agreed. The first block of time he used was the last week of June, and it was a wonderfully relaxing week. He went to a different beach every single day, some days on his own, some days with the whole fam, and one day with just me (photos above). It was paradise. We got to the beach before 9 and left shortly before 5. Naps, reading, swims and French cuisine on the beach for lunch, what more could you ask for in a vacation day?! I'm very pumped, cuz we have two more "vacation days" to ourselves this coming week. And as my friend pointed out, the best part of vacations at home is that you don't feel the need for a vacation from your vacation.

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