Friday, July 23, 2010

Girls nights

Lately, Robert and I have been talking a lot about our future plans. I must admit that as much as I love it here, there is a part of me that longs for a more "settled" feeling. We're still renting, and therefore, view this "home" as temporary, regardless of how many years we will be here/have already been. We talk about future opportunities that may present themselves and we're quite open at this point to making another move down the road that would not lead us directly back to the US. (fortunately Robert's company is very open to global mobility among its employees and pretty much has an office everywhere in the world) I maintain a relatively strong desire to spend some time in Spain, which Robert is convinced I would hate, but nonetheless, I would do it to offer the boys an opportunity to learn spanish. Anyway, without a shadow of a doubt, the single, most important thing I will miss whenever it is that we leave this area is my network of friendships. This summer, with Robert not travelling much, I've been able to attend several nights out with girlfriends which have all been a blast. And spending time with said friends AND our children is just the greatest. I know for sure that I will maintain a life-long friendship with so many of the friends I have made in the last 3 years, and it will be so fun to reminisce and reflect back on these times in the future, as it is to reflect back now with my childhood friends and university friends back home.

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