Thursday, March 25, 2010


Andrew woke up Wednesday morning, and as per our usual Wednesday morning routine, he climbed into Mommy and Daddy's bed for a snuggle with me and Ryan. It was quite early (before 6am) so we laid there together for a while, talking, playing little games to make Ryan laugh, tickling and kissing each addition to a few licks by Andrew to Ryan and some soocy swapping (Ryan put Andrew's soocy in his mouth). When we got out of bed, we went to Andrew's room to get him dressed as our intent was to head to the gym followed by a play date. (Andrew keeps asking me to take him to the gym - he loves the toys in the daycare there!)
ANYWAY, when he took off his underwear, I noticed a spot on his thigh...and a similar spot a little higher up and knew instantly what it was. In all honesty, I was kinda relieved, thinking it was great that he contracted them now, BEFORE our upcoming trip/cruise. It wasn't until I did a little research on the internet that I realized how disastrous this could be...the incubation period ranges from 10 to 21 days...which means that Ryan, if he gets it, will get it somewhere in between boarding the flight to Miami and boarding the ship. Which could mean NO FLIGHT and/or NO SHIP. I FREAKED out. Instantly I regretted not vaccinating Andrew. But then the reason why I chose not to vaccinate is because many kids I know who have been vaccinated have still gotten the pox...and though it's really more serious for women, because if they get them when pregnant, it is very dangerous to the unborn child but supposedly it's a lot worse to get them in adulthood anyway, so I thought better to just have them and get them out of his system.
We've been talking about doing this trip for almost a year now, we've been building it up to Andrew for the last several months, it's the most expensive trip we've ever planned, it is a dream holiday for this family. Now what? So, I stewed for a good several hours, called the doc to see if Ryan could get vaccinated (he's too young), and carried on worrying for a good part of the day, wishing I could talk to Robert so he could calm me down and assure me it would all work out in the end (he has a magical way of soothing me!) But Robert was in meetings and then heading directly from the office in Madrid to the airport to board a flight to the US. So, I called my friends. And they listened, sympathized with me and though they couldn't fix the problem, I did feel much better. But then in a way I felt worse. Not for my problem, but for my friends' problems...which are far more grave than my own. It had been a while since I'd last spoke to a few friends and they are confronting conflicts far more stressful than the one I'm currently faced with. It will be a MASSIVE bummer if the vacation gets cancelled, but in the end I realized that really, the biggest problem is just WHEN we will be able to go on vacation. Cuz if this one gets cancelled, we will just have to postpone...of course it won't be a Disney cruise, because the transatlantics only happen once a year, and the regular Disney cruises are far too expensive for our vacation budget, but it will be something, and as long as we're all together as a family, it will be fun.
In the meantime, Andrew's case of chicken pox seems relatively mild, I'm treating him with special soap in the shower, antiseptic stuff on the spots and an anti-itch medicine to consume 3 times a day. The spots span from his head to his toe, but so far, there's really not that many, I'm guessing around 50 in total. He's as HAPPY as ever, perhaps even moreso cuz he doesn't have to go to school and he gets to stay home with Mommy and Baby Ryan! I am TRYING to keep the two boys apart, in the off chance that Ryan hasn't already got it, that he won't pass them on now, but am not terribly successful....Andrew forgets and just naturally goes to Ryan to play, to soothe him, etc. He's getting better now about staying away from his brother (this is the 2nd day of spots) but the damage has probably already been done anyway.
So...that's the latest in our lives...fingers are still crossed though that it will all work out as is possible my breastmilk still has antibodies in it. (please God!!!)
What I don't get is why these things ALWAYS happen when Robert is away????

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