Saturday, October 16, 2010

Beautiful Baby Haley

Itsy bitsy teeny weeny little princess she is. Born in no rush at all, countless hours after induction and ultimately via c-section, she made her grand entrance into this world and I've been in love ever since! The best, and sadly, perhaps the only good news of the summer for my family came on Sept. 1st, Haley's birth date. If we stop at two, or if a third boy enters our family, I will be claiming this little girl for all my girly Haley, you already have lots of future shopping days planned, in addition to gymnastics competitions, figure skating, girls nights, etc. etc. etc. Andrew and Ryan can take your future brother to the monster truck show while we go get our manicures and shop for the afternoon!
The great part of having to go back so unexpectedly was the opportunity to see more of Haley, though unfortunately with the cold I came down with the day after I arrived, it seriously hindered the amount of snuggle time we could share.
Talking to Susie and hearing about her nights, feeding, diaper rashes, etc. has now become part of my daily ritual and I'm not at all looking forward to when she goes back to work, thereby limiting our phone time to just weekends again, because of the time difference.
I love this little gal like crazy and I can't wait til our next visit, and especially the promised visit to France...Aunty Susie better get on the business end of the camera...but I will hold off on the nagging about it, at least until exam day is over!

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