Thursday, October 21, 2010

Funny things

Andrew has recently developed an interest in, and curiosity about the human anatomy. I remember in the summer time when Aunty Susie and Andrew were in the changing room of Nana and Papa's shed getting into their bathing suits, Susie told me that Andrew looked at her boobs and asked her who they were for! Her response was, of course, they were for the baby in her tummy. He accepted that. Two nights ago while I was changing into my pyjamas, he looked at my boobs, and obviously after reflecting on the fact that Ryan doesn't drink milk from my boobs anymore, he asked, "Mommy, why do you still have boobs?" which I responded, "they are for your baby sister when she comes"!!!!!! Of course when I shared this story with Robert, his response was a slight chuckle followed by a rather large rolling of the eyes. Hmmm.
He's also very interested in what it is you have to do when you use the toilet. Grandma laughed hysterically this summer when, everytime she came out of the bathroom, was questioned by Andrew, "Did you do pee pee or caca Grandma?". I'm so used to it, that I barely notice myself being questioned about my bodily functions on a daily basis. Whenever he sees someone sitting on the toilet, in real life or in a picture in a book, he automatically assumes this person is doing a caca. So last night when I was sitting on the toilet, he said, "You doing a caca, Mommy?". I told him I was just doing a pee pee before bedtime, just like he does. And he asked me then why was I sitting on my bum. So, I explained that girls don't have willies, and have to sit on their bum to pee, while boys have willies so they can stand up to pee. He then points at my foofy and asks, "what's that UGLY thing called?"!!!!!!!!!!!! I left him without a response, as frankly, I don't need him talking all about vaginas quite yet!

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