Tuesday, October 19, 2010

by the way...

After reflecting on some recent posts of some "stabs" at the French, I wanted to clarify that these stabs are by no means directed to the entire French population as I have many friends, neighbours, husbands of friends, etc. who are very laid-back, thoughtful, caring, compassionate, kind, loving, generous, adaptable, flexible, gentle-with-children people who don't represent the ones I tend to vent about from time to time! So, I have no intent on insulting those I already know and love, and perhaps I'm a little less inhibited to speak negatively of certain characteristics of some of the French population since even the French circle I do know, generally agrees whole heartedly in my claims...and empathize well with my experiences...the endless "red tape", the resistance to change, the rigid and structured way in which things are done and the lack of customer service, and kindness in dealing with others.
I also recognize that no culture is perfect, Americans certainly included!, and hence it is up to me to seek the positive attributes in all people/cultures. That said, in my humble opinion and experience, I have found that Italians take the cake for me, in addition to, and admittedly with a strong bias, Canadians!

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