Monday, May 31, 2010

Chillin' at home

We've been on the go A LOT lately...birthday parties, barbeques, beach picnics, girls night out, and our most recent fabulous weekend for me and the boys at Marineland and Petite Ferme, for which we are already getting our money's worth out of our annual passes. Unfortunately, I've neglected to bring my camera along so I have no photos of our recent activities. Actually, I have remembered it on a few occasions and neglected to take it out of the bag. The truth is, it is getting harder to take photos of the boys, with both of them on the go now, and can get quite frustrating attempting 15 shots of the same pic before capturing a good one! But worth it in the end, I know, so I must remain persistent!
Anyway, of all the things we do, one of our favourites is just plain staying at home. Especially for Robert who travels so much and eats out all the time. The previous weekend, we did just that, and enjoyed it immensely. We ate our breakfasts in the backyard, remained in our pyjamas for a good portion of the day, and we take full advantage of the relatively large garden we are paying somewhat dearly for! Robert and Andrew set up the tent, which is Andrew's castle, and Andrew is "the beast" and I am "Belle" because "I am beautiful!" and Robert is Gaston, cuz he's "a little crazy!" and Ryan is "Chip" cuz he's just little! Often times, "no girls" in the castle, but he makes an exception from time to time to allow me to enter! And he continues to remind me that Maya is allowed in his castle cuz she's funny. I will be picking up a pool on Wednesday, 4.57 metres in diameter by 1.07m high, and cannot wait to set it up. It's not huge, but should be big enough to get wet and cool down with the boys. I have ordered a killer whale inflatable for Andrew (his present for giving up his soocies - will blog on that later) and will be ordering an inflatable lounge chair for me. When Robert returns, I plan to take him up on his summer cocktail plans and will be sipping pina coladas poolside! Summer is upon us and we plan to enjoy a good part of it at home this year.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Phone chat with Daddy

Last night I witnessed what was, to me, one of the most adorable moments ever. The phone rang while I was putting Andrew down to bed last night. The lights were off already and we were playing flashlight games, a routine that Robert started with Andrew. We both knew instinctively that it would be Robert so I jumped out of the bed and picked up the phone just in time. I brought the phone into the bedroom and Andrew immediately told me he wanted to talk to Daddy. This is an unusual occurrence, since normally, he has no interest in speaking on the phone and if I put him on, he starts talking silly, baby talk and ends up pushing the buttons and inevitably hangs up on the caller. Last night, he was Mr. Talkative. Before even saying hello, he said, "I miss you Daddy". This is a first in itself. Not that he's never said I miss you to him before, but never without Robert or I prompting it. He proceeded to carry on a full conversation, telling Robert all about his day and asking about Robert's day. And then he told him what they are going to do together when he returns from Spain. (play in his house...which is, the tent we set up in the backyard, which has proved to be an endless source of fun for Andrew) The little guy is growing up!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Top Fit

I have started going to the gym on a regular basis again. The gym is called Top Fit and is about 5 minutes from home. Sometimes I run on the treadmill, which I'm really not all that keen on, but it's the only way I can run during the week since I can leave the boys at the daycare there. Sometimes, I do an aerobics class. I am absolutely loving these. First off, the instructors are the most enthusiastic ones I've ever experienced in a gym. Second, they are fantastic workouts and I feel amazing when I leave, and have more energy for the remainder of the day. Third, I love the music, which is generally current hits, and hence the only way I have a clue of what's current in music these days since the only other music I listen to is Old McDonald Had a Farm, etc. or Riviera Radio, the only english radio in the area, and plays mainly 80's hits (which I love too). But the funniest part for me is the way the instructors, sing along to the English music and use English with a french accent in guiding the class. There's a bodystep class I love, and we always start off with the "basic" step. Except they don't say "basic", they say, "bazeek". It's like that, all the way through the class. I crack right up. When they sing along to the songs, I get the impression they have no idea what the words actually mean. I wonder if the French feel the same way when I speak to them, and secretly laugh at my accent. The answer is probably a big YES!

Andrew's first field trip

I think Andrew had one of the best days of his life thus far, on his class field trip to Marineland. His interest (obsession) in animals continues, particularly those at Marineland...sharks, killer whales, polar bears, turtles, seals, dolphins, little fishies. I got a full account of his entire day with such enthusiasm, it made my heart melt and I'm so excited to go with him myself, and since I plan to get the annual pass, we will go often in the months to come. Usually, I get very little info about his days at school, not much more than "yes" when asked if he had a good day and "nobody" when asked who he played with and "nothing" when asked what he ate for lunch. Yesterday, he told me that he ate salad and bread and chips and water for lunch. And he even told me that Juliette (little girl in his class) pushed him and said, "c'est ma place" at the killer whale show and Katia (teacher) "screamed" at her because she was being naughty! And he sat beside Jung Bin (little boy in his class) on the bus. And Alain (little boy in his class) was really funny and was laughing with him. And even more adorable to me was that most of what he told me about his day, he told me in French.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I love May and hate May!

May, as I said, is the month of holidays. The flowers are in bloom. Sunny days with perfect temperatures become predictable. Beach picnics begin.
But it's also the month for a whole ton of administrative stuff to be done. Since we moved here in May 2007, we have to renew our resident visas every May. This, in itself, is quite a task. Thank God we have an immigration consultant (provided to us by Amadeus) who has connections at the dreaded prefecture. To do this without such a connection would be an absolute nightmare. It makes the chaos at the INS in Miami for people applying for green cards, etc. look like a walk in the park. And I'm not exaggerating. I could write an entire blog post just on that. The opening time alone reminds me of the running of the bulls: hundreds of people pushing and shoving and shouting and cursing and fighting to get to the front of the line. Children are knocked down. It's seriously outta control. With our consultant, we get to enter the building through a private entrance and bypass all that nonsense. But even with the consultant, there is still a great deal of paperwork to be done ourselves, not to mention the ten million photocopies of every document you've ever owned in your life. I think we've probably killed a whole forest in the amount of photocopies we've made since we have moved here. Robert continues to be convinced that this inefficiency is just a means of keeping French government employees with jobs. After all, 25% of the French population work for the government.
In addition, French taxes are due in May. Although this is not the most complex of tasks, it still requires a great deal of time on my end, as I'm still new at this, and every year our situation seems to change slightly, but just enough to result in a ton of more things to figure out. And getting answers in France is not easy. Government offices don't have answering machines, you just have to keep calling until you get someone. (and have I mentioned you have to pay to speak to a customer service agent???!!!) And that NOTHING is open between the hours of 12 and 2, which is precisely when Ryan happens to take his afternoon naps. I am very grateful for my huge community of expat friends, many of whom have already been through these processes and have helped show me the ropes. I also have to get our US tax returns done, since these are due on June 15th, for US residents living abroad. I have become quite proficient with the filing of US taxes, but of course our current situation makes everything ever so complicated and takes forever.
We also have to apply for Andrew's school in May. More photocopies (of all the same documents provided last year), more trees killed. And the deadline for registering for summer activities is also upon us. After my recent visit to the Guichet Unique, the governing body that administers the school enrollment, summer programs, etc. I am quite tempted to not bother with any summer camp programs for Andrew. To be pleasant, the lady at the front desk was not very friendly, nor helpful. I'll leave it at that!
On top of everything else, I have been relentlessly trying to register with the CAF, another government agency for family benefits. I know that we are entitled to a monthly sum, based on our current situation. We are actually eligible for this monthly sum until Andrew turns 18. (kind of like the baby bonus in Canada) My current problem is that the CAF only has record of 1 dependent in our family: Ryan, naturally, because he was born here. To be eligible for this benefit, you must have at least 2 children. So, I'm trying to prove that Andrew is our child and that he entered France legally, with us, when we moved here. I just found out today, from our immigration expert, that the particular documents the CAF are waiting on from the Prefecture do not exist anymore. Apparently some law was passed in 2009 that changes things for people in our situation. So, she advised me to go to the CAF in person, speak with a manager (which I can only imagine will be all but impossible) and present a photocopy of the court ruling that she gave us. I have a strong suspicion that I am not going to get very far with this, though I will try my best, and may have to resort to paying for professional assistance in resolving this. After all, these efforts will be well worthwhile once we start receiving benefits.
So these are the reasons I do NOT like May. Since I am the only French-speaking adult in the family, it all lies on my shoulders. Perhaps if I had an unlimited amount of uninterruped time, I'd be fine. But I've been typing this while feeding Ryan. And now I smell a poopy diaper. And then it's time to go pick up Andrew and take him to music class.

Mommy's Boy

He is 9 MONTHS old today. I call him Gorgeous. Cuz he is. And he is still my perfect little baby. But he's getting into a lot more mischief lately, and he does NOT like to be separated from Mommy. The top photo is his favourite place to play: the oven! The bottom photo was the result of me leaving the living room for two seconds to put his plate in the dishwasher!
I remember vividly when separation anxiety started with Andrew. It was when Abuela came for a visit, when Andrew was 10 months old. I remember feeling a little bit stressed by it all, by that strong attachment Andrew had to me, and me only, and only I could soothe him. With Ryan, it's totally different. Although at times it can be a little exhausting having your baby in your arms 24/7, the truth is I am kinda relishing in it this time around. I've already witnessed how quickly the phase passes. I'm just enjoying this bond that has been formed now.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Last stop of the day...birthday cake and cocktails

One of Robert's favourite things in the whole world is my banana bread. So of course that is what he requested for his birthday cake. I made it in the morning before we left for Italy and Andrew had to taste test the first piece before we hit the road. We ended the day with cocktails after we put the boys down...Robert went a little crazy in the liquor store (while I waited in the car with the sleeping boys) and was keen to try out some new cocktails from his favourite bartending book. These were called Avalanches and were delish! We then watched 4 episodes of Survivor, one of Robert's favourite shows (the only tv he actually watches aside from soccer) and went to bed past midnight...a very rare event.

To the beach to throw stones

This whole area is so beautiful. Sometimes I still can't believe that I actually LIVE here.

My meal

Robert laughs at me whenever I take photos of our plates. Can't help it. I LOVE food! (good thing I love to exercise too!) Here's what I ate for lunch yesterday: marinated mussels to start, then a big plate of penne carbonara, then veal escalope in a mushroom sauce with fries, then profiteroles with a cappucino (which you can tell I enjoyed cuz I ate the whole thing before even thinking about snapping a pic, and of course I had to sample some of Robert's tiramisu. The best part is that the whole thing, drinks and tips included only cost 14 euros!!! I'm heading to the gym tomorrow morning to start working it all off!
The little ones were such angels throughout our entire lunch. Andrew remained amused with his little animals while Ryan sat happily in his high chair, flirting and smiling with the waitresses and the people passing by.

Italy for Daddy's Birthday

Instead of our traditional Mother's Day celebration in Ventimiglia, this time we celebrated Robert's birthday there. We all had such a fantastic time. Hit the playground first, (and merry-go-round) as per usual. Then our favourite restaurant. The staff all know us there now and treat us like family (Italy is SO different from France in that regard!) Then we throw stones into the sea. Then a leisurely walk along the boardwalk. Then we head to the liquor store to stock up on alcohol, which is supposedly much less expensive in Italy than France, before heading home. One day, I will update my blog to a more sophisticated level. Until then, I'll post the rest of our pics from that day in subsequent blog entries, since I'm limited to 5 photos per post on this thing!

May Holidays

The top photo was taken Wednesday afternoon, when Robert got home from work: the start of our long weekend. May is a great month in France, because there are lots of holidays! Sadly, I still have no idea when they are or what they represent, but Andrew has lots of time off school and Robert has lots of time off work! (although this year, some of the holidays fell on a Saturday and unlike the US, they do not give the Friday prior the holiday a day off work) In any event, this past weekend was a long one for Robert since Thursday was a holiday and Robert took a vacation day on Friday. We've been very busy, but have had some great times with great friends and some great weather for a change! Above photos were taken at Ludiparc (that I discovered from reading a friend's blog), where we went on Thursday morning, a wonderful place for families with a river, all sorts of bouncy castles and trampolines, and a restaurant, for which the entry fees to the park are waived if you dine there. We had a nice lunch on the terrace that is covered in fake grass and beautiful weather, until out of nowhere, the black clouds rolled in and torrential rains and hail caused us to locate ourselves inside the restaurant for dessert. By the time we finished our meal and paid our bill, the heavy rains continued and with no end in sight, we decided to make a run for the car, which was a good couple hundred metres away. We got soaked, but Robert got the worst of it, since he made an initial run to the car to collect the umbrellas for the rest of the fam! The drive home was a tad bit scary, visibility was extremely low and worst of it all, was what appeared to be a slight mudslide along the way, the only road back home being almost completely blocked, and for a moment or two, I had a vision of being stuck there, with two wet and unhappy little boys in the car, but we made it through and arrived back home to discover not a drop of rain had fallen in Antibes!

Grandma comes for a visit!

Her visit was short, but so, so sweet. Unfortunately can't say so much about the weather we had during her visit, unseasonably cold and rainy, but we still managed to pack in a lot of fun together nevertheless.
Her flight was scheduled to arrive in Nice at 1:05 PM, so I left the house around that time (with Andrew) to head to the airport. Figuring approx 20 minutes to get there, and minimum 20 minutes for her to get off the plane, go through customs and collect her luggage, I thought (erroneously) that I had plenty of time. Turns out I didn't! So when we walked into the airport and I saw her anxiously trying to figure out how to work the pay phone, looking like a nervous wreck, I figured she'd been waiting for some time. Of course she thought something terrible had happened to me (why else wouldn't I be there?)....but she got over it real fast and I find it all pretty humorous now!!!
Andrew was THRILLED to have Grandma here and asked to go in and wake her up every morning as soon as he got out of bed. Since Grandma puts her earphones on and listens to stories on her CD player when she goes to sleep, she couldn't always hear him and Andrew was very curious about the funny things Grandma keeps in her ears at night! On her last day, he woke up real early, and instead of coming into our room, he went right into Grandma's room and told her it was time to get up. Grandma didn't even bother to look at the clock, she just took his word for it and climbed out of bed...only to discover some time later, that Ryan and I were still in bed and it was NOT yet time to get up!
Ryan, on the other hand, was a little, OK a lot!, apprehensive about this strange woman in his house! The first day I left him with Grandma for a half a day, while I did the weekly shopping, etc. and he was none too happy about it. The separation anxiety phase with Ryan has begun MUCH earlier than it did with Andrew. It's been a while since I've left Ryan in the gym daycare while I go work out, but I'm already starting to dread the drop-off tomorrow morning for my aerobics class! But it didn't take all that long for him to warm to Grandma, and once he did, he was his smiley, happy self in her presence. I've been telling my mom for months how perfect a baby he was wonderful to introduce him to her and for her to see for herself, which she most certainly did.
I was hoping to get some serious gardening work done with my mom (she is the expert) but the weather (pouring down rain) prevented us from making any headway at all. (dying for my own vegetable garden, tomatoes, herbs and plants for the balcony but I'm afraid I'm just plain useless when it comes to that...hopefully when Gia gets back here, she will lend a helping hand :-) )
But we did manage a wonderful afternoon at one of Andrew's favourite places (Petite Ferme) and on Thursday when all the boys were in school/work/creche, we got to enjoy an absolutely delicious lunch at my favourite restaurant in Cagnes-Sur-Mer.
The good-byes were teary, as always, but hopefully it won't be too long til we're together again in Canada.