Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mommy's Boy

He is 9 MONTHS old today. I call him Gorgeous. Cuz he is. And he is still my perfect little baby. But he's getting into a lot more mischief lately, and he does NOT like to be separated from Mommy. The top photo is his favourite place to play: the oven! The bottom photo was the result of me leaving the living room for two seconds to put his plate in the dishwasher!
I remember vividly when separation anxiety started with Andrew. It was when Abuela came for a visit, when Andrew was 10 months old. I remember feeling a little bit stressed by it all, by that strong attachment Andrew had to me, and me only, and only I could soothe him. With Ryan, it's totally different. Although at times it can be a little exhausting having your baby in your arms 24/7, the truth is I am kinda relishing in it this time around. I've already witnessed how quickly the phase passes. I'm just enjoying this bond that has been formed now.

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