Sunday, May 16, 2010

Grandma comes for a visit!

Her visit was short, but so, so sweet. Unfortunately can't say so much about the weather we had during her visit, unseasonably cold and rainy, but we still managed to pack in a lot of fun together nevertheless.
Her flight was scheduled to arrive in Nice at 1:05 PM, so I left the house around that time (with Andrew) to head to the airport. Figuring approx 20 minutes to get there, and minimum 20 minutes for her to get off the plane, go through customs and collect her luggage, I thought (erroneously) that I had plenty of time. Turns out I didn't! So when we walked into the airport and I saw her anxiously trying to figure out how to work the pay phone, looking like a nervous wreck, I figured she'd been waiting for some time. Of course she thought something terrible had happened to me (why else wouldn't I be there?)....but she got over it real fast and I find it all pretty humorous now!!!
Andrew was THRILLED to have Grandma here and asked to go in and wake her up every morning as soon as he got out of bed. Since Grandma puts her earphones on and listens to stories on her CD player when she goes to sleep, she couldn't always hear him and Andrew was very curious about the funny things Grandma keeps in her ears at night! On her last day, he woke up real early, and instead of coming into our room, he went right into Grandma's room and told her it was time to get up. Grandma didn't even bother to look at the clock, she just took his word for it and climbed out of bed...only to discover some time later, that Ryan and I were still in bed and it was NOT yet time to get up!
Ryan, on the other hand, was a little, OK a lot!, apprehensive about this strange woman in his house! The first day I left him with Grandma for a half a day, while I did the weekly shopping, etc. and he was none too happy about it. The separation anxiety phase with Ryan has begun MUCH earlier than it did with Andrew. It's been a while since I've left Ryan in the gym daycare while I go work out, but I'm already starting to dread the drop-off tomorrow morning for my aerobics class! But it didn't take all that long for him to warm to Grandma, and once he did, he was his smiley, happy self in her presence. I've been telling my mom for months how perfect a baby he was wonderful to introduce him to her and for her to see for herself, which she most certainly did.
I was hoping to get some serious gardening work done with my mom (she is the expert) but the weather (pouring down rain) prevented us from making any headway at all. (dying for my own vegetable garden, tomatoes, herbs and plants for the balcony but I'm afraid I'm just plain useless when it comes to that...hopefully when Gia gets back here, she will lend a helping hand :-) )
But we did manage a wonderful afternoon at one of Andrew's favourite places (Petite Ferme) and on Thursday when all the boys were in school/work/creche, we got to enjoy an absolutely delicious lunch at my favourite restaurant in Cagnes-Sur-Mer.
The good-byes were teary, as always, but hopefully it won't be too long til we're together again in Canada.

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