Friday, May 21, 2010

Phone chat with Daddy

Last night I witnessed what was, to me, one of the most adorable moments ever. The phone rang while I was putting Andrew down to bed last night. The lights were off already and we were playing flashlight games, a routine that Robert started with Andrew. We both knew instinctively that it would be Robert so I jumped out of the bed and picked up the phone just in time. I brought the phone into the bedroom and Andrew immediately told me he wanted to talk to Daddy. This is an unusual occurrence, since normally, he has no interest in speaking on the phone and if I put him on, he starts talking silly, baby talk and ends up pushing the buttons and inevitably hangs up on the caller. Last night, he was Mr. Talkative. Before even saying hello, he said, "I miss you Daddy". This is a first in itself. Not that he's never said I miss you to him before, but never without Robert or I prompting it. He proceeded to carry on a full conversation, telling Robert all about his day and asking about Robert's day. And then he told him what they are going to do together when he returns from Spain. (play in his house...which is, the tent we set up in the backyard, which has proved to be an endless source of fun for Andrew) The little guy is growing up!

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