Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I'm SO proud of the big little guy's newly acquired ability to draw a "bonhomme" (little person). He did these two all by himself. We taped the top picture to the outside of the entrance door so that Daddy would see his present as soon as he came home from work yesterday. The bottom one is for Steven, one of our good friends and a colleague of Robert's, who is so generous with the boys and bought Andrew a really cool transformer man for Christmas, which he just received when they came to dinner a short while ago. It is extremely important to me that Andrew remains grateful for all that he is given, and therefore, we send personalized thank you pictures for each gift that is received. When the time comes that he is able to write himself, I will ensure that his own thank you note be written himself.
We're pretty sure the big little guy is a lefty...a little unique considering nobody on either side of the family is left-handed.

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