Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Vancouver 2010

For as long as I can remember, the Olympics has been the TV highlight of my family's life. Being the HUGE gymnastics family that we were/are, life stopped when the Summer Games began, and we would all be glued to the television for two weeks every four years. I vividly remember the 1984 games, when we first had a VCR, and taped the gymnastics coverage. Pretty sure we watched Mary Lou Retton at least 1000 times. But the winter games were a pretty big deal too, especially the skating. Well, it just so happens that Robert is an equally huge fan of the Olympic games. So you can imagine how excited we are, especially now that we have invested in satellite tv, for the 2010 games to begin. And now I look forward to sharing the fun of spectating the Olympics with Andrew. And just so there would be no confustion about who to root for, Aunty Susie sent the boys these ever-so-appropriate track suits!

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