Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Playing with animals

These little animals are the single most played with toys, and I think to date, the ONLY ones that have never lost their appeal. He's gone through phases of trucks and fire engines and tractors and tools and all sorts of other boy toys, but he is NEVER bored of his animals. Of course the highly preferred ones are the lions and tigers but he's got every single animal on the planet and they all get their share of play time. I bought these animals at a flea market, at the end of the day, the guy was just willing to get rid of them, so I got the whole lot, at least 300 of them, for 5 euros (including the bag they came in which is worth a few euros in itself)! The collection has since expanded, thanks to gifts from family members. I am still pulling new ones out of the bag when a little "motivation" is needed...sometimes in the morning before school, or sometimes just as a reward for good behaviour. Whenever I am busy with other things, making dinner, giving Ryan a bath, whatever, he brings along a few of these animals and just plays along side, talking non-stop to the animals, making animal noises, and frankly, just being utterly adorable. The best thing about these toys is that they are so easily transportable. They come in the car, on the train, in the airplane, the doctor's waiting area, you name it, they join us!
So, there you have it. This is how we spend our days at home, whether you were interested in it or not! Perhaps this was more for Robert's benefit, who always asks what we did all day. We also spend a lot of time in the kitchen, as Andrew loves to help cook and bake. And even though I go through countless eggs landing on the floor, etc., I still let him crack them himself and by the time we are done with our meal or baked goods, the kitchen is a complete disaster! But anyway, I seriously find the days are flying by, and Robert walks in the door from work before we know it. I LOVE this time. I LOVE my boys. There is not a single moment that we are bored, and I view these times as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that I am so happy, and lucky to be experiencing.

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