Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The happiest little baby on the planet

His name is Ryan Philippe Chamberlin. I just recently realized that I have not yet posted much information on the little angel #2. But when one of my best friends just asked me how I was adjusting to being a mom of two, I reflected on how easy it has been. And that's in large part thanks to the very happy, easy-going little guy that he is. If you make eye contact with him, he will smile. He seldomly cries. Even last night, when he woke up several times with a very stuffy nose and obviously uncomfortable; we turned the lights on, Robert and I both looked at him, and out comes that smile that lights up his whole face. He is not phased by ANYTHING Andrew does to him, including but not limited to playing the harmonica or roaring like a tiger in his ears, lying on top of him, smothering him with hugs and kisses, licking him, sucking him, playing doctor on him, splashing him in the bath tub, waking him up, pulling toys away from him...the list goes on. Robert was wondering if Ryan would be scared to see him after his two week business trip, just like Andrew was when he was a baby, but no-can-do, as soon as Daddy picked him up upon his arrival, out came that beautiful, magical smile once again. I remember countless trips in the car with Andrew screaming bloody murder in his car seat...not this little guy...I am not sure I have ever even heard a peep from him in the car. He just stares at his brother...and smiles. I won't say he NEVER cries...he definitely lets me know when he's hungry, tired, or just wants to be in my arms, but even then, it's not the do-your-head-in wail of many babies, it's a soft, high-pitched whine that stops immediately when his needs are met. He really IS an angel!

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