Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow in Antibes!!!

I don't know the stats on snow in Antibes but before we moved here, I asked an American friend who had been living here for 8 years if they ever get snow here...and the answer was ONCE! In the last 2 weeks, we've had two snowfalls, the most recent one today, and boy did Andrew and I ever have a lot of fun playing in it! I felt like a kid all over again and it was amaaazing!
However, my spirits were slightly dampered with worry, as Robert called before noon and let me know he was on his way to go pick up Ryan early from creche (Thursdays are his creche days) because apparently the roads were getting bad. Three hours later, he called and had not yet made it halfway there (and it's only 5 km from his office). Because I only leave enough pumped breastmilk at the creche to last the day, I was worried about Ryan not having enough milk should it take him an equally long time to get home from the creche. But it seems they're on their way now and HOPEFULLY will get here SOON.
Most of my friends' husbands who were on the road in that area had to leave their cars on the side of the road and walk the rest of the way home. For obvious reasons, there are not adequate snow removal services in the French Riviera.
But looking out our living room windows, the snow covered palm trees and houses sure do look beautiful, with a view of the Mediterannea in the background.

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