Thursday, February 25, 2010

Identical in size

At birth, both boys looked very similar. We saw Andrew in Ryan the second we looked at him. But over time, Ryan has grown into his own person. Many people say they see me in him. But then again, a lot of people still see Robert in him. Honestly, I don't see either one quite yet.
Yesterday was Ryan's 6 month check-up and Andrew's 3 year check-up. Although going to the doc is even more of an effort now with two kids...I walk there cuz when I drive there, I usually find a place to park that is even further away than our home. Ryan on the chest carrier, Andrew in the stroller. Of course the stroller doesn't fit in the elevator and the doctor's office is on the 3rd floor. A royal PAIN in the $#@. Nevertheless, I like going to their check-ups. As mentioned before, I have acquired a strong liking to our family pediatrician. Andrew LOVES going, watching the REAL doctor use the REAL tools. And especially the part when he gets a "bonbon" for being a good boy, which he always is. But more importantly, I like the official confirmation that the boys are doing well, growing and developing "normally". When I got home, I compared Ryan's 6 month length and weight to that of Andrew's at 6 months and they are identical! 27.6 inches and 17.4 lbs. In metric, 70 cm and 7.9kg. I honestly thought that Ryan was ahead of Andrew at this stage but evidently not. Perhaps I have just shrunk Andrew's clothes so they are fitting Ryan at an earlier stage...I'll blog more about my tendency to shrink clothes in a future post...I'm a little bit in the doghouse with Robert at the moment over a few favourites I have recently destroyed...oops. Wait til he discovers the others that he doesn't yet know about. I should probably just do what I used to do as a kid and throw out any clothes I destroyed in the laundry (it was one of my childhood responsibilities) and letting my mother think she's gone absolutely mad...losing all sorts of outfits!!! (sorry, Mom!)
Back on topic...when I was there, I advised the doc of our upcoming trip across the Atlantic on a ship and asked what meds I should carry along with me as a precaution...there is always this tiny bit of fear I carry with me on transatlantic cruises, being in the middle of the ocean for days at a time and no access to a hospital even despite advanced medical resources onboard...doesn't of course stop us...we've done it pregnant twice and once with a newborn...this one should be a breeze...but anyway, the doc wrote me several prescriptions: medications for fevers (both the syrup kind and the suppositories kind in case they refuse the syrup), for diahrea, for ear infections, and for eye infections, in addition to the vitamins and such Ryan takes daily. I was shocked when I walked out of the pharmacy with a full bagload of stuff, without paying a single cent. I suppose I should no longer be shocked after being here nearly 3 years...but it's still an eye-opener for me after living in the US for 11 years...even in Canada you have to pay for vitamins and fever meds.

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