Sunday, May 16, 2010

May Holidays

The top photo was taken Wednesday afternoon, when Robert got home from work: the start of our long weekend. May is a great month in France, because there are lots of holidays! Sadly, I still have no idea when they are or what they represent, but Andrew has lots of time off school and Robert has lots of time off work! (although this year, some of the holidays fell on a Saturday and unlike the US, they do not give the Friday prior the holiday a day off work) In any event, this past weekend was a long one for Robert since Thursday was a holiday and Robert took a vacation day on Friday. We've been very busy, but have had some great times with great friends and some great weather for a change! Above photos were taken at Ludiparc (that I discovered from reading a friend's blog), where we went on Thursday morning, a wonderful place for families with a river, all sorts of bouncy castles and trampolines, and a restaurant, for which the entry fees to the park are waived if you dine there. We had a nice lunch on the terrace that is covered in fake grass and beautiful weather, until out of nowhere, the black clouds rolled in and torrential rains and hail caused us to locate ourselves inside the restaurant for dessert. By the time we finished our meal and paid our bill, the heavy rains continued and with no end in sight, we decided to make a run for the car, which was a good couple hundred metres away. We got soaked, but Robert got the worst of it, since he made an initial run to the car to collect the umbrellas for the rest of the fam! The drive home was a tad bit scary, visibility was extremely low and worst of it all, was what appeared to be a slight mudslide along the way, the only road back home being almost completely blocked, and for a moment or two, I had a vision of being stuck there, with two wet and unhappy little boys in the car, but we made it through and arrived back home to discover not a drop of rain had fallen in Antibes!

1 comment:

Steph said...

Hey K
Looks like they gave you the same table we had when we were at Ludiparc. The fries are pretty good huh. How was the moules ?
We should try to arrange meeting there next time.