Sunday, November 9, 2008

Aunty Susie's getting married!!!

After the recent tragedy of Don's passing, it was wonderful to have something very happy to celebrate. When Susie called to announce her engagement, we were absolutely thrilled. It was Susie and Bill's two-year anniversary of dating, and they had gone off to Montreal for a dragon boat festival. Despite Bill's best-laid plans for a romantic proposal aboard a hot air balloon, high winds and stormy weather resulted in a more casual proposal in front of the hotel they were staying at, for which Susie mistakenly assumed was a joke! Upon realization of Bill's seriousness and upon sight of the ring, she quickly caught on and was overwhelmed with happiness. I can't even begin to describe the immense joy I feel in my heart for her and am already counting down the days til the big day: June 13, 2008. It will be an honour for me to stand by her, as her maid of honour, as she and Bill exchange their wedding vows. They are truly a magical couple that complement each other in every aspect and are just a joy to be around. I'm already starting to worry about how I will be able to maintain my composure throughout my speech at her wedding...better stock up on some serious Kleenex! I just wish I could be around more in advance of the wedding to help with the arrangements, go dress-shopping with her, etc.

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