Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mommy's Little Helper

Andrew LOVES to help Mommy. Whether it's vacuuming, mopping, cooking, doing laundry, dishes, whatever, he wants to do his share. (it brought back memories of my youngest nephew, Nicholas, who balled his eyes out on Christmas Day one year because he was not allowed to wash the dishes!) The above shot is his contribution to cleaning the bathrooms, he did this one, while I was in the other bathroom, cleaning it! If you can't tell from the photo, the pink layer covering the floor around Andrew is indeed several rolls of toilet paper! Despite the fact that his cleaning assistance usually involves a significantly greater amount of clean-up work by Mommy, he has already proven himself in his "helper" role. The other day, after "taking care of some business" in the bathroom, I discovered there was no more toilet paper in the bathroom. So I said to Andrew "uh-oh, mommy needs some more toilet paper" which he immediately responded by running to the other bathroom and bringing back two more rolls of toilet paper! I was amazed! My friend recently commented that she is so delighted to be seeing me enjoy each and every milestone with Andrew and really embracing the joy of raising him...while other moms spend a lot of time just trying to "get through it". While there certainly are days whereby I am just trying (and struggling) to get through it, I do agree for the most part that I am embracing the joy of it all. I'm so glad I recognize NOW that this time flies by all too fast and I do my best to relish in every second of this incredible time. I know I've said it before, that this stage here is the cutest, the best, etc. and then the next stage creeps up and yep, it's even cuter and better than the last. I don't know yet exactly how the future stages will be, but I can say for certain, that the one he is in now, is absolutely the best. Despite the mischief, the tantrums, and the recent need of teaching discipline, Andrew puts the biggest smile on mine and Robert's faces each and every day, and an even bigger smile in our hearts.

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