Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hablas espanol?

Ok, so the answer to that question for me is a definite no. Despite my introductory course to Spanish I took in adult education classes shortly after meeting Robert, my Spanish is rather limited, though I must say, I am starting to understand more and more of Robert's phone conversations with his mom and sis. However, it has been a strong desire of mine since even before Andrew was born, that Robert speak Spanish to Andrew. Robert did not feel the same desire but his only argument was that I would not be able to participate in the conversation. My arguments for teaching him what will now be a third language strongly outweigh his...and the earlier you teach a child a second language (or third in Andrew's case), the easier it will be for him to learn it. I've done all sorts of reading and research, and even without doing so, I know in my heart that it may very well benefit Andrew to know more than one language. I cannot even fathom living here without the benefit of the French I learned from a very early age. Robert's spanish has come in handy countless times...and I firmly believe that having the word "bilingual" on both of our resumes has contributed to securing many good job offers. Most of my friends here speak a very minimum of two languages, and the same goes for their kids. FINALLY, Daddy has agreed! (although a little bribing did help...he would get back scratches every night if he kept it up!!!) It's only been a few weeks and already, Andrew understands many Spanish words and can answer or follow simple instruction to a spanish question/command. And I am VERY happy!

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