Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Girls night out

Lots of sushi, lots of wine and lots of laughs. On Friday night, Mette hosted the latest "Girls night out" event at her flat in Juan-Les-Pins. The original plan was to make it a pot-luck dinner but it took little convincing on everyone's part to make it a "take-away" evening and a select few brought some yummy dessert. Pregnant Bec was kind enough to offer me a lift, which meant that I didn't have to worry about a) getting lost finding her place or b) consuming alcohol! Perhaps I've mentioned it before, but I feel so blessed for the friends I have here in France. We have so much in common in that we are almost all expats, we're at the same stage in life, same age, our kids are the same age, we share the same problems, the same joys, etc. It's a support system for me that I can't imagine being without. I was sharing a story about how on my last trip to Carrefour (grocery store), I was praying that I wouldn't run into anybody I knew. It had been my intent that day to drop off Andrew at daycare, run home and have a nice, long, peaceful shower before heading out for my errands. However, two minutes before pulling into the car park at home after I dropped Andrew off, (yes, I am really picking up on this British lingo stuff now!), the daycare called stating that Andrew had a fever so I had to go pick him up. Make a long story short, I thought it would be easiest to pick up the necessities (i.e. diapers that we were running out of) at the grocery store on my way home from picking Andrew up even though I hadn't yet showered and barely got out of my jammies. (and of course I ran into practically EVERYBODY I know!!!) Anyway, after sharing this story, beautiful Sarette ( who is a working mother of 3 year old and 6 month old) pipes up (in her adorable South African accent) and states that she hasn't bathed in three days!!! I thought I was going to pee my pants!!! Anyway, much of the conversation and further laughs, centered around talking about our kids, our husbands, discipline techniques, etc. and life in France in general. We all had a fabulous time and I'm already disappointed that I'll miss out on the "Christmas girls night out" event in December as I'll be in Florida by then.

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